Art By Charlotte Robinson 🌹R.I.P.
Dark and Deviant Oddities came about due to one mans passion for the strange and unusual. A true black sheep himself, Justyn started as a collector of anything he deemed weird or interesting that he wanted to show and tell other people about. It wasn't until college that he realized there were a lot more people out there who did the same, and he began to buy sell and trade these oddities with other people. This hobby turned business got its name from a criminal justice class called Deviant Behavior. A deviant is someone whose behavior falls outside of society's norms and is usually used negatively, and he wanted to give a positive notation to the word. Tucked away inside Valiant Inscriptions Tattoo Gallery in Asheville, NC, is the perfect location for this niche market. Open Tuesday through Saturday 1pm -9pm(ish) Come see what wonders await you at Dark and Deviant Oddities!
From antiques, to wet specimens, taxidermy, and even human skulls, you can find a little bit of everything at this shop! While you’re in, feel free to book an appointment with one of our amazing tattoo artists. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Dark and Deviant Oddities aims to preserve the beauty of life after death and to educate others from a historical and scientific standpoint.